Building Large Scale EA Projects in Switzerland - Effective Altruism


Event details

Date 08.12.2022
Hour 18:0020:00
Speaker ​Maxime Stauffer 
Category Conferences - Seminars
Event Language English
​Maxime Stauffer is the Co-founder & CEO of the Simon Institute for Longterm Governance (SI). Based in Geneva, this institute works to mitigate global catastrophic risks, building on Herbert Simon's vision of future-proof policymaking processes.
​In this talk, Maxime will give a brief presentation on Effective Altruism, his work at the Simon Institute, and why he thinks we should be building more large-scale EA projects in Switzerland.

​Starting an EA project in Switzerland is an exciting, possible, and impactful career option for many. Come by to find out about how you could do the same!
​After the presentation there will be space for a Q&A session and a more casual discussion around en apéro :)

Register here! 

​More info: