C_2 graded groups, their real representations and Dyson's tenfold way


Event details

Date 24.10.2023
Hour 15:1516:00
Speaker Dmitriy Rumynin, Warwick
Category Conferences - Seminars
Event Language English

Abstract : A C_2 graded group is a pair, a group G and an index two subgroup H. A "real representation" of G is a complex representation of H together with a given (to be chosen) action of the outer coset G\H.  Different choices lead to different theories.
Such representations appear independently in three different disciplines : Algebra, Physics and Topology.  The goal of the talk is to review the formalism and various choices, including resulting theories.  The talk is based upon recent work of the speaker and James Taylor (Oxford) and Matthew B. Young (Utah State).

Practical information

  • Informed public
  • Free


  • Donna Testerman


  • Maroussia Schaffner

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