Call for application - Next-generation robotics


Event details

Date 20.08.2023 15.09.2023
Category Call for proposal
Event Language English

Innovation Booster in Robotics's call for proposals is now open.

Are you into next-generation robotics? Want funding to explore your next big idea? We’re powered by Innosuisse and excited to launch this latest Open Call for Proposals.
Key Areas of Robotics: Mobile Robotics, Manipulators, Medical and Biomedical Robotics.
Applications: Smart Factory, Drone Delivery, Assistive Tech, and more (we’re open!)

Deadline: September 15th, 2023

Our mission at Innovation Booster Robotics is to catalyze radical innovation and strengthen the Swiss robotics ecosystem. Through our calls, we want to fund early-stage development, exploration, and/or experimentation in robotics, including proof of concepts, feasibility studies, and the creation of novel frameworks.
If that describes what you want to do, then we’ll give you CHF 25,000 to get you started.

Our application form is short and straightforward. But there’s a catch: we don’t fund incremental innovation. 
What’s the difference between radical and incremental innovation? Have a look online at what Innosuisse has to say on this subject. Pro tip: we fund around 30% of the applications received, and the reason the other 70% don’t make it is often because their proposal focuses on incremental innovation. So, get the distinction right and your chances for funding become significantly higher.

Open to any stakeholders in the Swiss robotics ecosystem (teams must be composed of at minimum two partners from two different entities in Switzerland). Innovation teams must consist of at least one research partner and one implementation partner.

Visit our website for more details: