Campus Lecture: Alain Aspect

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Event details

Date 02.10.2023
Hour 16:3018:00
Speaker Alain Aspect, prix Nobel de physique 2022
Category Conferences - Seminars
Event Language French
«Des doutes d’Einstein et du théorème de Bell aux technologies quantiques: la seconde révolution quantique» (conference in French)
Alain Aspect, Institut d'Optique - Université Paris-Saclay

-- SOLD OUT --
FYI this Campus Lecture will be recorded, you will find the replay on this page after the event.

Thanks to the mysterious concept of wave-particle duality, the first quantum revolution made it possible to describe the structure of matter, its electrical, mechanical and optical properties, and its interaction with light. It then provided the technologies - transistor, laser, integrated circuits - that led to the information and communication society.

The second quantum revolution, based on the notion of entanglement, is even more surprising in conceptual terms, since it forces us to reject Einstein's cherished local realist vision of the world, as demonstrated by the violation of Bell's inequalities. It also opens up fascinating prospects for applications, with emerging technologies ranging from quantum sensors to quantum communications and quantum computers. Will these technologies bring about a new upheaval in society? Then we could truly speak of a second quantum revolution!

About Alain Aspect
Alain Aspect is Director of Research Emeritus at the CNRS, Professor at the l'Institut d'Optique and the École Polytechnique, and a member of the Académie des Sciences. His doctoral research at the Institut d'Optique focused on experimental tests of the foundations of quantum mechanics (Bell inequality tests), for which he was awarded the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics along with John Clauser and Anton Zeilinger.

  • 16h30 Introduction
  • 16h40 Campus Lecture - Alain Aspect, Nobel Prize in Physics 2022 (in French)
  • 17h30 Q&A
  • 18h00 Cocktail

This Campus Lecture will take place during the Physics Day 2023, organized by EPFL's Doctoral Program in Physics.


Practical information

  • General public
  • Sold Out


  • Programme Doctoral en Physique de l'EPFL, Mediacom


Alain Aspect prix Nobel physique
