Campus Lecture - Christoph Aeschlimann, CEO of Swisscom and Alumni Award 2022


Event details

Date 22.05.2023
Hour 17:3019:30
Category Conferences - Seminars
Event Language English

We are pleased to invite you to the next EPFL Campus Lecture with Christoph Aeschlimann, CEO of Swisscom, Alumni Award 2022 and EPFL alumnus:

"Ensuring Swiss Tech Leadership"

Monday, May 22 2023
5:30pm - 7:30pm
Forum Rolex (EPFL campus)
In English

Digitization continues to pick up speed and change our world. It is influencing our society and the way companies interact with their customers. This creates many opportunities for companies and for high-tech countries like Switzerland. Trustworthy innovations are at the forefront. But we need a new approach to thinking about and promoting technology and innovation in Switzerland. Countries like Switzerland must learn to drive the commercialization of their R&D successes.

Christoph Aeschlimann has been Head of Swisscom (Switzerland) Ltd, Chief Executive Officer of Swisscom Ltd and Chairman of the Group Executive Board since June 2022. He is driving digitization in Switzerland with conviction and is campaigning to further strengthen Switzerland as a deep-tech nation. Christoph has a degree in computer science from the EPFL in Lausanne and an MBA from McGill University, Canada. He began his professional career as a software developer and worked in various managerial positions in different companies, among others as CEO of the ERNI group. Christoph Aeschlimann joined Swisscom in 2019 as Head of the IT, Network and Infrastructure division and member of the Group Executive Board.


5:30pm  Welcome address
Leïla Ojjeh, EPFL Alumni Director

5:35pm  Introduction
Prof. Martin Vetterli, EPFL President

5:40pm Campus Lecture
"Ensuring Swiss Tech Leadership"

Christoph Aeschlimann, CEO of Swisscom

6:15pm Q&A

6:40 Cocktail


Practical information

  • General public
  • Registration required


  • EPFL Alumni
