Charge generation in organic solar cell blends


Event details

Date 20.04.2017
Hour 16:0017:00
Speaker Prof. Natalie Banerji
Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science,
University of Fribourg
Category Conferences - Seminars
ChE-602 - Recent Events in Energy seminar series

Polymer:fullerene blends have attracted attention as efficient organic photovoltaic (OPV) materials promising over 10% power conversion efficiency. In this talk, I present results obtained with a variety of ultrafast spectroscopic techniques (transient absorption, terahertz and electro-modulated differential absorption spectroscopy) that have allowed to correlate the mechanism of charge generation in donor:acceptor blends to the phase morphology, i.e. to the arrangement of the donor and acceptor into phase-pure (neat) and intermixed domains. In particular, I describe how varying the miscibility between the components (by changing the fullerene acceptor, or using ternary blends containing two different fullerenes), and replacing the polymer with the corresponding dimer, affect the phase morphology and charge generation.

Practical information

  • General public
  • Free



Highlights in Energy Research seminar series
