[ COllective Research NETworking (CORNET) | International pre-competitive collective research funding on energy ]


Event details

Date 25.09.2019
Category Call for proposal

CORNET was initiated as an ERA-NET in 2005 and supported by the European Commission’s 6th and 7th Framework Programme for Research and Development until 2011, when it became a self-sustained network. CORNET’s aim is to increase competitiveness of SMEs by funding international pre-competitive, collective, market-oriented research projects via biannual calls for proposals.

The calls follow a bottom-up approach: every topic that supports SMEs in their innovation efforts is welcome. Every project participant will be funded by the funding organisation of their own country or region according to their specific rules. Funding for Swiss-based applicants comes from the Swiss Federal Office of Energy SFOE. Swiss-based applicants can only participate in consortia focusing on energy research in various fields of energy efficiency, renewable energies and sustainable energy use and supply.

The main types of targeted activities are:

  • industrial research and development
  • applied research and development
Who can apply:
  • At least 2 different countries.
  • At least an SME association, organization or group, a Research Organisation and an SME User Committee consisting of min. 5 SMEs in each country or region.

Duration: max. 24 months

  • Maximum funding for Swiss-based applicants: not specified.
  • Eligible costs: personnel, travel & subsistence, equipment, material, consumables, equipment depreciation, subcontracting costs / expenditures that are not part of R&D.
It is highly recommended to discuss the proposal concept, innovation potential, target group, project construction, financial planning etc. with an advisor from your funding organisation before detailed preparation of the proposal. Please contact [email protected] (SFOE) to verify your eligibility for the call and obtain the national application form.
Submission by the coordinator of the consortium on CORNET Submission Tool, and parallel submission by each partners to their own national/regional funding organisation using the local application form and referring to the CORNET project proposal.

Deadline: 25 September 2019 at 12 p.m. (CET).
Earliest starting date: May 2020 (for projects with Czech Republic: July 2020)
Average success rate: 66%

For further information, please have a look at the call webpage, call guidelines, application templates, National Eligibility Criteria, FAQs, online application portal and supported projects. Find a project partner.

Practical information

  • General public
  • Free



research funding

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