Controlling invasive neophytes


Event details

Date 28.09.2024
Hour 09:0016:00
Rolex Learning Center (North Side)
Category Miscellaneous
Event Language French, English
Removal of trees of heaven (Ailanthus altissima) on EPFL campus

EPFL is joining forces with Association pour la sauvegarde du Léman and WWF to fight against invasive neophyte plants that are considered the second most important cause of biodiversity decline worldwide.

Come for the morning, the afternoon or the whole day (and then take your picnic) to participate in this operation.

Meet in front of Rolex Learning Center (North side) at 9am or 1pm.

>> Information and registration

To know more about the phenomenon, go to the page on controlling invasive neophytes.

Practical information

  • General public
  • Free



environment sustainability biodiversity volunteering
