Controlling spontaneous emission with plasmonic nanostructures


Event details

Date 08.05.2015
Hour 14:15
Speaker Prof. Jean-Jacques Greffet, Laboratoire Charles Fabry, Institut d'Optique Graduate School, France
Category Conferences - Seminars
We will discuss how spontaneous emission of light by molecules of quantum dots can be tailored using metallic nanostructures which play the role of nanoantennas. Both emission direction and lifetime can be modified. This can be used to enhance fluorescence or to design single photon sources. The same basic mechanism can be used to control thermal radiation which is also a spontaneous emission process.

It will be shown that thermal radiation can be both directional (spatially coherent) and quasimonochromatic (temporally coherent).

Finally, I will show that radiative heat flux between two surfaces separated by a submicron distance can exceed the blackbody flux by several orders of magnitude.

Practical information

  • General public
  • Free


  • ICMP (Arnaud Magrez and Raphaël Butté)

