Deforming group actions on curves in positive characteristic


Event details

Date 12.03.2015
Hour 14:1515:15
Speaker Jakub Byszewski - Institute of Mathematics of the Jagiellonian University
Category Conferences - Seminars
The actions of finite groups on curves in positive characteristic can be more complicated than in characteristic zero. For this reason, there are both global and local obstructions to the problem of lifting group actions on curves to characteristic zero. For example, the Hurwitz bound on the order of the automorphism group fails in positive characteristic, and there are also some local obstructions related for example to the Artin character associated to ramification points of the quotient map.

Such problems can be studied in more detail using global and local deformation functors of finite group actions on curves. These functors are, again, much more interesting in positive characteristic. In the talk, we will study some properties of such deformation functors.

Practical information

  • Informed public
  • Free


  • Prof. Eva Bayer


  • Natascha Fontana

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