Density criteria for Fourier uniqueness phenomena in R^d


Event details

Date 24.09.2024
Hour 14:1516:00
Speaker Anshul Adve (Princeton University)
Category Conferences - Seminars
Event Language English

A remarkable byproduct of the work of Viazovska et al. on sphere packing is the notion of a "Fourier uniqueness set": a discrete subset A of R^d such that any Schwarz function on R^d is determined by its restriction and the restriction of its Fourier transform to A. Once one knows such sets exist, it is natural to ask how dense they must be / how sparse they can be. This was determined in dimension 1 by Kulikov, Nazarov, and Sodin, but the higher dimensional story was much less well understood. We will give an answer in all dimensions using new methods.

Practical information

  • Informed public
  • Free


  • Laetitia Al-Sulaymaniyin

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