Discover the first BioPad


Event details

Date 27.10.2014
Hour 12:1512:45
Speaker Prof. Maerkl, Prof. Deplancke, Dr. Barbara Grisoni, and an interdisciplinary team of 14 undergrads (from Life Sciences, Microengineering, Physics, Computer Science)
Category Conferences - Seminars
The 2014 EPFL iGEM team has been working on showing that biologically engineered organisms can detect and process signals quickly and efficiently. With this in mind, our team brought forward a novel idea: combining Protein Complementation techniques with biosensors to achieve fast spatiotemporal analysis of bacterial response to stimuli.

As a proof-of-concept, we aimed to develop the first BioPad: a biological TouchPad made of touch- responsive bacteria in a microfluidic chip allowing the control of electronic devices. This was achieved by engineering the E.Coli Cpx Pathway– a two- component regulatory system that is responsive to periplasmic stress.

Practical information

  • General public
  • Free



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