Electronic properties of Mg2NiH4-x across the metal-to-insulator transition for industrial hydrogen sensing


Event details

Date 21.09.2017
Hour 10:3011:30
Speaker Dr. Dook van Mechelen
ABB Corporate Research
Baden-Dättwil, Switzerland
Category Conferences - Seminars
ChE-605 - Highlights in Energy Research seminar series

Optical hydrogen sensors have a promising future in a society where hydrogen detection becomes increasingly essential. The traditional use of Pd as sensing material is disadvantaged by its small optical contrast and low sensitivity. A solution is found by complex metal hydrides that are structurally disordered and manifest a metal-to-insulator transition. The amorphous structure offers the sensor’s reversibility and reproducibility. The metal-to-insulator transition translates through the electronic properties into an optical change that is uniquely linked to the hydrogen content, thereby avoiding cross sensitivity from the application environment.
In this talk I first present an optical and transport study on the metal-to-insulator transition in Mg-Ni-H. Experimentally, a significant electron renormalization is observed that increases towards the insulating phase. The lacking Drude weight is recovered in a series of mid-infrared bands. DFT calculations show that band flattening due to a decreasing hydrogen vacancy concentration cannot account for the observed mass. The calculations further suggest the presence of in-gap Ni 3d states that are hybridized with Mg and H. Transitions involving these states cause infrared spectral weight that qualitatively corresponds to the experiment.

Subsequently, I discuss the materials science of making Mg-Ni-H amorphous by using the properties of Ni-Zr. The last part of the talk demonstrates the way from the basic electronic properties to a functional hydrogen sensor, where the hydrogen content is determined from the infrared behavior using fiber optic telecom technologies. Eventually I show the behavior of an amorphous complex metal-hydride in its industrial environment such an oil-filled power transformer.

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Practical information

  • General public
  • Free



Highlights in Energy Research seminar series
