EPFL-Idiap-ETH Sparsity Workshop 2015


Event details

Date 25.03.2015
Hour 10:0016:20
Category Conferences - Seminars
This workshop brings together researchers from Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL), Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETHZ) and Idiap Research Institute, Martigny in collegial setting to share ideas and discuss problems of interest in sparsity modelling. The key objective is to foster cross-disciplinary collaborations.
This workshop features a keynote speech by Prof. Massimiliano Pontil from Centre for Computational Statistics and Machine Learning, University College London (UCL). The invited talks will address recent theoretical developments and highlight applications in various signal processing disciplines, including image, speech and brain data processing problems.

Morning Session 1

10:00 - 11:00 Keynote Speaker: Learning Representations for Multiple Related Tasks, Massimiliano Pontil, UCL
11.00 - 11.20 Coffee break

Morning Session 2

11.20 - 11.40 A convex solution to disparity estimation from light fields via the primal-dual method, Mahdad Hosseini Kamal, EPFL
11.40 - 12.00 Scalable optimization for mixture of regularizers, Baran Gözcü, EPFL
12.00 - 12.20 From MAP to Marginals: Variational inference in Bayesian submodular models, Josip Djolonga, ETH
12.20 - 12.40 Learning parametric dictionaries for signals on graphs, Dorina Thanou, EPFL
12.40 - 14.00 Lunch Break

Afternoon Session 1

14.00 - 14.20 A compressive sensing perspective of linguistic information recovery, Pranay Dighe, Idiap Research Institute
14.20 - 14.40 Perceptual modeling through an auditory-inspired sparse representation, Raphael Ullmann, Idiap Research Institute
14.40 - 15.00 Super-resolution radar, Reinhard Heckel, ETH
15.00 - 15.20 Regularization with the Spectral k-Support Norm, Andrew McDonald, UCL
15.20 - 15.40 Coffee break

Afternoon Session 2

15.20 - 15.40 A totally unimodular view of structured sparsity, Marwa El-Halabi, EPFL
15.40 - 16.00 Structured sparsity through reweighting and application to diffusion MRI, Anna Auria Rasclosa, EPFL
16.00 - 16.20 Near-optimal sensor placement for linear inverse problems, Juri Ranieri, EPFL

Practical information

  • General public
  • Registration required


  • Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL) - LIONS laboratory , Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETHZ),  Idiap Research Institute, Martigny


  • Afsaneh Asaei, Luca Baldassarre, Volkan Cevher

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