eSpace Annual Event


Event details

Date 08.12.2016
Hour 17:0019:00
BC 430
Category Miscellaneous
On this month of December 2016, we are realising that yet another year has gone by so fast.
2016 is almost over, and the end of the year is always the time when we all think about the 12 months past and what we achieved, and what we couldn't. 
This is also the time to celebrate the Winter Holidays, and for this occasion at eSpace, we chose December 8th to organise our annual event.
For this occasion, we will have a small apéritif and a poster session to showcase student space projects.

eSpace Team

Practical information

  • General public
  • Free


  • eSpace, EPFL Space Engineering Center


  • Candice Norhadian


aperitif space engineering holidays
