[Fondation d'Aide Sociale et Culturelle du Canton de Vaud | Research Funding]


Event details

Date 15.01.2020
Category Call for proposal

Fondation d’aide sociale et culturelle du Canton Vaud redistributes the share of profits from the Loterie Romande to projects of public utility presented by non-profit organisations in the Canton of Vaud in the following domains: culture, art, social, education, disabled sports, health, heritage, research (in any disciplines), tourism, training, nature and environmental protection.
The foundation does not support ongoing projects: in principle, proposals must be submitted 4 months before the start of the project. Rejected proposals cannot be resubmitted.
Who can apply: applicants employed by an academic institution, university hospital or research centre in the Canton of Vaud are eligible to apply, but only via a foundation or association. Applicants can have only one grant per year.

Funding and duration: no upper or lower limit.

  • Eligible costs: materials and equipment necessary for the research project. Funding received cannot be redistributed to other organisations and cannot cover the project in its entirety. The Foundation does not cover overheads.
Deadline: 15 January, 15 April, 15 July, 15 October (every year)
  1. Please fill out the application form
  2. Submit your form to [email protected] at least 7 days prior to the call deadline in order to obtain the obligatory institutional support letter.
  3. Submit your proposal to the Foundation (by regular mail) 4 months before the beginning of the project.
For further information, please have a look at the call webpage.

Practical information

  • General public
  • Free


research funding

Event broadcasted in
