Google Research - Trust & Safety Research Awards | Research funding


Event details

Date 20.09.2023
Category Call for proposal
Aim:  Google is committed to supporting innovative research and professors working to create positive societal impact with technology, particularly in areas relevant to Trust & Safety. In 2023, Google is looking to fund and actively collaborate with the academic research community, exploring opportunities to expand our knowledge of Trust & Safety concerns.

We’re seeking research proposals and will provide unrestricted grants to support research efforts across disciplines and areas of interest related to Trust & Safety in technology. We welcome proposals from across disciplines, including but not limited to Computer Science, Legal Studies, Public Policy, Social Sciences, Psychology, Human-Computer Interaction, etc. Some of our specific interests in Trust & Safety include:
  • Child and teen safety, including self-endangering behavior
  • Content moderation
  • Fraud or financial scams
  • Generative AI safety
  • Hate speech, harassment, or cyberbullying
  • Incitement, terrorism, or violent extremism
  • Misinformation or disinformation
  • Non-consensual explicit imagery
  • Synthetic or manipulated media

For the 2023 grant, we’re extremely interested in expanding our knowledge of Trust & Safety concerns across EU member states, so priority will be given to projects that work within an EU context (e.g., mapping multilingual misinformation focused on EU languages), or have at least 1 PI based in an EU institution.

Funding:       $100,000

Duration:      1 year

Eligibility:  This application is open to professors (assistant, associate, etc.) at degree-granting universities and academic research institutions who are advising students and conducting research. Applicants may only serve as Principal Investigator (PI) or co-PI on one proposal per round.  There can be a maximum of 2 PIs per proposal.

How to Apply: Proposals should follow the format below, outlining the research goals, resource estimates and proposed modalities, and be no longer than three pages in length (including references):
  • Proposal Title
  • Principal Investigator (PI) full name, contact information
  • Co-PI’s full names, contact information
  • Affiliation (university, school, college and/or department)
  • Research objectives/goals/hypothesis
  • Proposed approach
  • Expected impact/benefit to the research community
  • Budget: Amount requested, inclusive of all fees [EPFL note: overhead 0%]
  • Disclosure Policy: A short description of what you intend to do with the output of your project (e.g., publications, open sourcing code, making data sets public, etc.)
  • Expected results/publication with timeline (i.e., 6 months, 12 months...)
  • Statement of prior work, including a list of relevant publications (2 pages max addendum to proposal - total package including relevant publications and statement of prior work should be 5 pages or fewer)

We request all applications to be submitted in English. We expect to send out decision notifications in October 2023. Do not submit any confidential or proprietary information through this application as the details of your project proposal will be shared with internal and external experts for evaluation.

We believe strongly in open access and in supporting projects whose output will be made available to the public and to other researchers. For this reason, we ask applicants Principal Investigators to include a brief statement about what they intend to do with the output of their work, and we strongly prefer projects that intend to publish and/or contribute to the academic community.

Deadline:      20 September 2023

Further information
  • More information about the program is available here
  • The application portal can be found here
  • For any other questions, please contact the Research Office

Practical information

  • General public
  • Free


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