Hyperbolic lattice point counting in unbounded rank


Event details

Date 11.01.2024
Hour 14:1516:00
Speaker Chris Lutzko (UZH)
Category Conferences - Seminars
Event Language English

Counting lattice points in balls is a classical problem which goes back to Gauss in the Euclidean setting. In the hyperbolic setting this corresponds to counting matrices of norm T in \SL_n(\Z). For n=2 the record belongs to Selberg in the early 1980s. In a recent paper with Valentin Blomer we extend Selberg's method to higher rank (n > 2) and thus improve on the best known bounds for the hyperbolic lattice point counting problem in higher rank. In the first half of this talk I will introduce the problem, summarize the history, and give a sketch of Selberg's method. Then in the second half I will give a sketch of the proof of Blomer and myself.

Practical information

  • Informed public
  • Free


  • Michel Philippe


  • Laetitia Al-Sulaymaniyin

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