IC Colloquium: Quantum Algorithms?


Event details

Date 26.02.2024
Hour 10:1511:15
Location Online
Category Conferences - Seminars
Event Language English
By: Vojtěch Havlíček - IBM Research
IC/SB Faculty candidate

I will introduce the concept of quantum algorithms and outline several open problems in their study. I will then explain how I address these problems in my research through the lens of representation theory and statistical query complexity. 

The talk should be accessible to anyone with understanding of linear algebra, groups, probability theory and (basic) computation complexity. 

Vojtěch Havlíček did his MSci in physics at Imperial College London and DPhil at the University of Oxford. He is a Research Scientist at IBM Research, Yorktown Heights where he works on various aspect of theoretical quantum computing.

Practical information

  • General public
  • Free


  • Host: Giuseppe Carleo
