Implementation of bioenergy in oil-producing countries: Is it possible?


Event details

Date 13.09.2017
Hour 11:0012:00
Speaker Carlos E. Sanchez P. Department of Chemical & Materials Engineering, University of Alberta
Category Conferences - Seminars

Global warming represents a very concerning issue which is threatening humankind. Fossil fuel combustion is considered one of the main culprits of global warming. Therefore, it is demanding to substitute traditional fossil fuel energy sources for carbon neutral sources. In fact, there has been significant research related and there are promising ongoing projects. Some countries have been implementing policies and new technologies to substitute fossil fuel use in producing electricity, domestic heating and even in transport. On the other hand, the authorities of oil-producing countries are reluctant to implement restriction policies of fossil fuel use (e.g. carbon road taxes). Even in countries like Norway, the tendency of implementing bioenergy and other alternative energy sources has been much lower compared to other Nordic countries. Actually, Karlsen et al (2011), in cooperation with CleanTech Mid-Norway, studied the possibilities of establishing a bioenergy cluster in the Trondelag region and they found great challenges. Fortunately, SINTEF (the main research institution in Scandinavia, mainly located in Trondheim) has recently received lots of money for bioenergy R&D. In addition, Norwegian authorities likes to reduce significantly carbon dioxide emissions by 2020. Furthermore, countries with huge oil reservoirs like Canada and Venezuela have many issues to keep exploiting their heavy and extra-heavy oil reservoirs. As a result, bioenergy or other carbon neutral energy sources might be attractive even in oil-producing countries.