Institutional partnership projects between Lithuanian and Swiss researchers


Event details

Date 30.06.2015
Speaker Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, State budget of the Republic of Lithuania
Category Call for proposal
A call to submit proposals for implementation of Institutional partnerships has been launched within the Lithuanian-Swiss cooperation programme.  The amount granted to each Institutional partnership will not exceed 0.45 MCHF, and the maximum duration of a project is 9 months.
The contribution in the form of grants is 100% of total eligible costs (85% Swiss contribution and 15% state budget of the Republic of Lithuania).
Please read carefully the call for proposal as well as the guidelines for applicants where you will find the eligible research areas as well as the template of the application form. The proposal must include a letter of Applicants that must be signed by the legal representative of the applicant/partner (the Vice-Provost for Research for EPFL). Please contact the Research Office for obtaining the signature.

Proposals must be submitted electronically via the electronic submission system:

Practical information

  • General public
  • Free


  • National Funding Group


REO NAT enlargement contribution Lithuania

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