Jane Street | Graduate Research Fellowship


Event details

Date 21.11.2024
Category Conferences - Seminars
Aim: The Jane Street Graduate Research Fellowship (GRF) supports exceptional doctoral students currently pursuing a PhD in computer science, mathematics, physics, or statistics.

Jane Street takes a rigorous, quantitative approach to trading on global markets, combining techniques from machine learning, distributed systems, programmable hardware, statistics, and applied mathematics. The Fellowship would also support research in all areas of these fields, not only those parts which are related to trading. With the Graduate Research Fellowship, Jane Street is excited to support PhD students who share their values: technical excellence, intellectual curiosity, and humility.

The fellowship will cover:
  • Fellows will have their full tuition and fees covered for the upcoming academic year (ReO note: this is note relevant for EPFL PhD Students).
  • Fellows will also receive a $50,000 USD stipend (or the equivalent in your local currency) to help with living expenses while completing their PhD.
  • Fellows will be invited (but not required) to visit Jane Street’s office to give a talk on any topic of their choosing to Jane Street employees and other Fellowship recipients; all expenses will be paid.
Duration: 1 year

Funding: $50,000

  • PhD students who have at least one year remaining in a program in computer science, math, physics, or statistics or have committed to commence a PhD program at a specified university in the Fall of 2025 are eligible to apply.
  • Students must remain in good academic standing as an active, full-time member of their PhD program at a degree-granting accredited research institution in the United States, Canada, or Europe for the duration of the academic year of the award, or the award will be forfeited. Deferrals for medical reasons and other extenuating circumstances may be granted on a case-by-case basis.
  • International students are eligible and encouraged to apply!
  • Current employees (and their immediate family members) as well as former employees and interns are not eligible to become fellows or finalists, though they may be considered for honorable mentions.
How to Apply: Applications must be submitted via Jane Street’s online portal. The application package should include a CV and a brief (1-2 pages) statement explaining your research or proposed research direction. This should be geared toward a general, mathematically or technically inclined audience who may not be specialists in your field.

Deadline: 21 November 2024

Further information
  • More information about the program is available here
  • Application portal can be found here
  • For any other questions, please contact the Research Office.

Practical information

  • General public
  • Free

Event broadcasted in
