Jordan properties of automorphism groups of complex algebraic varieties


Event details

Date 25.05.2023
Hour 13:1514:15
Speaker Yuri Zarhin, The Pennsylvania State University
Category Conferences - Seminars
Event Language English

A classical theorem of Jordan asserts that each finite subgroup of the complex general linear group GL(n) is "almost commutative": it contains a commutative normal subgroup with index bounded by a universal constant that depends only on n.
We discuss an analogue of this property for the groups of birational (and biregular) automorphisms of complex algebraic varieties.
This is a report on a joint work with Tatiana Bandman (Bar-Ilan).

Practical information

  • Informed public
  • Free


  • Eva Bayer


  • Monique Kiener (if you want to attend to the seminar by zoom, please contact me, and I'll give you the link)

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