Landolt Public Lecture - "Green Chemistry: From Need to Market"


Event details

Date 12.11.2014
Hour 18:1519:30
Speaker Prof. Philip Jessop, Queen's University, Canada
Bio: Dr. Philip Jessop, is a Canada Research Chair of Green Chemistry at Queen’s University in Kingston, Canada. He also serves as the Technical Director of GreenCentre Canada.  After his Ph.D. (British Columbia, 1991) and a postdoctoral appointment (Toronto), he did contract research in Japan with Nobel laureate R. Noyori.  As a professor at the University of California-Davis (1996-2003) and then at Queen’s, he has studied green solvents and the chemistry of CO2.  Recent distinctions include the Eni Award for New Frontiers for Hydrocarbons (2013), Fellowship in the Royal Society of Canada (2013), and the Canadian Green Chemistry & Engineering Award (2012). He helped create GreenCentre Canada, a centre of excellence for the commercialization of green chemistry technologies. Switchable Solutions Inc. and Forward Water Technologies Inc. are two spin-off companies based upon Dr. Jessop's switchable solvents.
Category Conferences - Seminars
The old way to prevent pollution was to capture pollutants before they left the factory, which is always a financial burden. The Green Chemistry approach — “Design the process so pollutants aren’t made” — can reduce environmental impact while making industries more economically competitive. Economic benefits occur because designing processes to reduce pollution requires minimizing wasted energy and materials. What’s the catch? The right chemistry and societal conditions are necessary to bring these green processes to market.  This layman-level presentation will introduce the concept of green chemistry and then follow the path of one new technology from its origin through to the creation of a company.