Measurement of the Electron Electric Dipole Moment (eEDM) using diatomic heavy molecules of Thorium Oxide


Event details

Date 07.06.2013
Hour 14:15
Speaker Emil Kirilov, Institut für Experimentalphysik Technikerstrasse, Universität Innsbruck, Austria
Category Conferences - Seminars
Measurement of a non-zero electric dipole moment of the electron within a few orders of magnitude of the current best limit of d_e<1.05X10^-27 would be an indication of physics beyond the Standard Model. We are searching for an electron EDM by performing a precision measurement of electron spin precession signals from the metastable "H"  state of thorium monoxide using a slow, cryogenic beam. The specifically chosen molecule provides the highest known effective intermolecular electric field of 104 GV/cm and therefore serves as a perfect candidate for a eEDM search.
I will discuss the current status of the experiment, some improvements that can be incorporated in the near future and how using the above method we were able to reject a number of systematic errors, which are the usual limitation in precision experiments of that type.

Practical information

  • Informed public
  • Free


  • ICMP (Arnaud Magrez, Raphaël Butté and Woflgang Harbich)


  • K. Holczer and L. Forro


