Meeting CoSec – Continuous Training 2024
The CoSec meeting aims to bring together once a year the actors of health and safety at EPFL. The main objective is to share important information and to initiate and continue exchanges between the different CoSeCs and between the CoSeCs and the OHS service (Occupational Health and Safety).
The meeting is divided into a French session in the morning (9:00 - 11:30 a.m.) and a session in English in the afternoon (2:00 - 4:30 p.m.). The program will remain the same for each session.
The inscription to this meeting is not mandatory, but in order to offer you drinks and pastries during the coffee break, please confirm your presence here:
Inscription to the coffe break
Although we prefer your presence on site, those working at external campuses will be able to follow the meeting through audio-visual means:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 618 9859 3009
Passcode: 881021
14h00 – 14h15 Introductory and welcoming remarks
14h15 – 15h00 Trust and Support Network (TSN) & Respect Compliance Office (RCO) - Psycosocial risks -
15h00 – 15h30 coffee break
15h30 – 15h50 Nano Directive
15h50 – 16h20 Radio protection
16h20 – 16h30 Closing remarks
Practical information
- Expert
- Invitation required
- This event is internal
- Sébastien Gex