Microbial colonisation in early-life: impact on innate and adaptive immunity


Event details

Date 25.11.2014
Hour 12:15
Speaker Kathy McCoy, Gastroenterology & Mucosal Immunology, University of Bern
Category Conferences - Seminars
Microbial colonization of mucosal surfaces is initiated during birth as soon as the newborn leaves the sterile uterine environment. Establishment of stable bacterial consortia then occurs over time through a dynamic process that is heavily shaped by exposure to environmental bacteria and external factors.  Composition of the commensal microbiota early in life likely plays an important role in development of the immune system and influences susceptibility to a variety of immune-mediated diseases. My research aims to dissect out the immune regulatory effects of microbial composition and diversity early in life and to identify the key innate sensors of microbial–derived signals.

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  • Informed public
  • Free


  • Global Health Institute

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