Minimal volume entropy of simplicial complexes (Geometry Seminar)


Event details

Date 27.05.2024
Hour 11:0012:00
Speaker Stéphane Saboureau, Univ. Paris-Est Créteil
Category Conferences - Seminars
Event Language English

The volume entropy of a finite simplicial complex X with a length metric is defined as the exponential growth rate of the volume of balls in its universal cover. The infimum of the volume entropy over all metrics on X of unit volume is a topological invariant, called the minimal volume entropy. A problem of central importance is to determine under which topological assumption the minimal volume entropy of a closed manifold or of a finite simplicial complex is nonzero. We will present various results around this problem. Joint work with Ivan Babenko.

Practical information

  • Expert
  • Free



  • Annina Iseli, EPFL
    Rosana Blanchard, EFPL

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