"Moduli spaces of (log-)varieties: projectivity and applications"


Event details

Date 24.03.2015
Hour 09:0010:00
Speaker Prof. Zsolt PATAKFALVI (Princeton University)
Category Conferences - Seminars
One of the primary goals of algebraic geometry is to classify algebraic varieties. In this talk, I will explain what algebraic varieties are and how the quest for their classification
leads to the construction of moduli spaces.

I will also discuss why projective compactifications of these moduli spaces are useful. To demonstrate this, I will focus on moduli spaces of stable (weighted pointed) curves, as well as their higher dimensional generalizations, which are referenced as stable log-varieties, KSBA pairs or semi-log canonical models in the literature.

In the end, I will present recent results on the projectivity of the moduli spaces of stable log-varieties, as well as some applications and related results.

Practical information

  • Informed public
  • Free


  • Prof. Ph. Michel


  • Prof. Ph. Michel

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