On additive decompositions of the primes


Event details

Date 28.05.2015
Hour 14:1515:15
Speaker Fernando Shao - Stanford University
Category Conferences - Seminars
A (still open) conjecture of Ostmann from the 1950s says that there does not exist two sets of integers A, B with at least two elements, such that the set of all sums a+b with a in A and b in B coincides with the set of primes with finitely many exceptions. In this talk, we consider a variant of this problem with the set of all sums a+b required to be a subset (rather than all) of the primes, and show its connection to an inverse question in sieve theory.

Practical information

  • Informed public
  • Free


  • Prof. Eva Bayer


  • Natascha Fontana

Event broadcasted in
