Online, Mobile, Global (OMG): Digital Epidemiology Is Coming of Age


Event details

Date 02.12.2014
Hour 16:00
Speaker Dr. Marcel Salathé, Biology & Computer Science and Engineering, Penn State Unviersity
Bio: Education

    Ph.D., ETH Zürich, Switzerland, 2007
    M.Sc., University of Basel, Switzerland, 2003

Postdoc Training

    Postdoctoral research, Stanford University, 2008-2010
    Postdoctoral research, ETH Zürich, Switzerland, 2007-2008

Honors and Awards

    Society in Science Branco Weiss Fellowship, 2008-until 2013

Research Interests

Marcel Salathé is generally interested in how human social dynamics affect disease dynamics (and vice versa). After receiving his PhD from the ETH in Zürich, Switzerland, he spent two years as a postdoctoral research fellow at Stanford University where he studied the effect of human contact network structure on infectious disease spread. His research group currently uses complex systems models, wireless sensor network technology and large-scale data sets from online social media sites to analyze the spread of disease and health behaviors on social networks.
SV 1717a
Category Conferences - Seminars
The unprecedented rise of mobile, internet-enabled devices across the globe has created a new field of "digital epidemiology”. From small-scale studies of high-resolution contact networks to large-scale digital disease detection systems, we are witnessing a revolution in data availability and access that is continuing to affect every single aspect of human health. In the first part, I will present two research projects involving wireless sensors and social media data that measured epidemiologically relevant human social networks that were immeasurable before. In the second part, I will look at the broader opportunities of digital epidemiology and discuss the technical, social and organizational challenges around this rapidly evolving field.

Practical information

  • Informed public
  • Free


  • Didier Trono
