Photonics Day 2024


Event details

Date 24.10.2024
Hour 09:0017:00
Category Conferences - Seminars
Event Language English

The Photonics Day is a yearly event that aims at promoting research discussions and networking among members of the EPFL photonic community as well as researchers and industry players in the Photonic sector. The program includes invited talks from world-leaders in the field, thesis presentation from the winner of the best 8% EDPO distinction, as well as from students in the photonics doctoral program, who will compete in 180 seconds.

This year the Photonics Day will take place on
Thursday October 24, 2024 at the EPFL Forum Rolex.

Participation is free and includes lunch. Registration is mandatory by October 14, 2024 here, The full program is on the same page.

Practical information

  • Informed public
  • Registration required
  • This event is internal


  • EPFL Doctoral Program in Photonics


  • Prof. Camille Brès



Event broadcasted in
