Principles of Protein Assembly in Cells - CH637


Event details

Date 19.11.2024
Hour 16:1517:15
Speaker Prof Emmanuel Levy
Category Conferences - Seminars
Event Language English
Life processes involve an intricate choreography between tens of millions of protein building blocks that form the infrastructure of cells. Recent technological advances have revealed the catalogs of proteins present in various cells and organisms. However, understanding how these proteins assemble and work together is an extraordinarily complex task. I will present recent work from my lab that aims at addressing this challenge using in silico and in vivo approaches.

Emmanuel Levy is a biologist integrating computational and experimental work to solve nature’s riddles. His research concentrates on the principles of protein assembly. His notable contributions include the determination of physiologically relevant assembly states for proteins of known structure, the discovery of protein surface hot-spots, where mutations readily trigger new assemblages, and the characterization of negative design principles safeguarding proteins against mis-assembly. Levy did his undergraduate studies in France. He received his Ph.D. in 2008 from Cambridge University, UK, working at the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology with Dr. Sarah Teichmann. For his post-doctoral research, he joined the group of Prof. Stephen Michnick at the University of Montreal, Canada. In 2012, he joined the Department of Chemical and Structural Biology at the Weizmann Institute in Israel, where he has been an Assistant and then an Associate Professor. In 2024, he joined the department of Molecular and Cellular Biology at the University of Geneva as a Full Professor. Levy was awarded the Blavatnick Award in Chemistry (2020), the Wolf Foundation’s Krill Prize for Excellence in Scientific Research (2018), the HFSP Career Development Award (2015), and the Marie Curie Career Integration Award (2012).

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