SNSF Starting Grants 2025


Event details

Date 15.01.2025
Category Call for proposal
Event Language French, English

The call SNSF Starting Grant 2025 is now open since 15 October 2024, with a deadline for submission on 15 January 2025.

This call will enable researchers to lead an independent project and a team in Switzerland.

Funding: Max. CHF 1M + applicant's salary, for max. 5 years.

  • Status: Applicants who do not already hold a Professorship at the submission will obtain, in case of award, a non-tenured Assistant Professor title lasting for the duration of the project.
  • Eligibility:
    • max. 8 years after PhD + min. 2 years of research post PhD on 1 February 2025.
    • Swiss link (min. 2 years of research in CH on 1 February 2025 or CH nationality or CH degree)
    • Resubmission and parallel application rules apply, Please check the Call Document.
    • IMPORTANT CHANGE: Applicants with significant experience as independent researchers and team leaders are NOT eligible UNLESS THEY HAVE NOT YET RECEIVED SIGNIFICANT THIRD PARTY FUNDING:
      • Recipients of e.g. an SNSF project grant, a Starting Grant, Consolidator Grant, or Advanced Grant from the ERC or the SNSF are NOT eligible
      • Recipients of smaller scale fundings, e.g. Ambizione or Spark, REMAIN eligible
> Check the ReO Toolkit: some schools/ insttutes have specific internal procedures and deadlines.
> Register for the SNSF infosession on 29 October, 10:00-11:30, link here.
> Register for the EPFL applicant workshop on 4 November, 10:00-11:30, link here.