Stochastic Models in Robotics and Structural Biology


Event details

Date 19.05.2015
Hour 14:0016:00
Speaker Gregory Chirikjian
Category Conferences - Seminars
Many stochastic problems of interest in engineering involve random rigid-body motions. In this talk,a variety of stochastic phenomena that evolve on the group of rigid-body motions will be discussed. These include mobile robot path planning, and robot-arm inverse kinematics. These topics lead in to our current work on multi-robot team diagnosis and repair, information fusion, and self-replicating robots. The entropy of the set of all possible arrangements (or configurations) of spare parts in the environment is such a measure, and has led us to study problems at the foundations of statistical mechanics and information theory. Methods from noncommutative harmonic analysis, probability and statistics on Lie groups, and hypo-elliptic diffusions arise naturally in these applications.
Similar mathematical issues encountered in structural biology in the context of DNA statistical mechanics and in the analysis of protein structure and motions will also be discussed.


Practical information

  • General public
  • Free


  • CIB


  • Valérie Krier

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