Sustainability Series with Ann-Christine Duhaime


Event details

Date 04.05.2023
Hour 17:4519:15
Speaker Ann-Christine Duhaime
Category Conferences - Seminars
Event Language English
  • 5:15pm - Door opening
  • 5:45pm - Welcome Words by Kathryn Hess, Associate Vice President for Student Affair and Outreach and Full Professor, Laboratory for Topology and Neuroscience, EPFL
  • 5:55pm - Talk
    • Ann-Christine Duhaime, Professor of Neurosurgery at Harvard Medical School and author of the book "Minding the Climate"
  • 6:30pm - Interview by Pierre Lottigier, Doctoral Assistant at EPFL (LASPE Lab)
  • 7pm - Q&A and conclusion by Kathryn Hess
  • 7:15pm - Cocktail
This Sustainability Series will be recorded and streamed on the YouTube channel of EPFL Events few days after the event
The book "Minding the Climate" is available to purchase or order at the EPFL Boutique


Practical information

  • General public
  • Registration required


  • Mediacom

Event broadcasted in
