Sustainability Series with Mathieu Schaer


Event details

Date 06.03.2023
Hour 17:4519:15
Speaker Mathieu Schaer
Category Conferences - Seminars
Event Language English
  • 5:15pm - Door opening
  • 5:45 pm - Introduction by Michael Lehning, Full Professor, Laboratory of Cryospheric Sciences, EPFL
  • 6pm - Talk 
    • Mathieu Schaer, Scientific collaborator at MeteoSwiss, professional snowboarder and EPFL alumnus
  • 6:30pm - Round table moderated by Julie Kummer (Journalist at RTS) with:
    • Mathieu Schaer
    • Michael Lehning
    • Marlen Marconi, President of the association Snowstainability
    • Sébastien Travelletti, CEO at SWISSPEAK Resorts
  • 7pm - Q&A
  • 7:15pm - Cocktail
This event will be recorded and streamed on the YouTube channel of EPFL Events few days after the event

Practical information

  • General public
  • Registration required


  • Mediacom

Event broadcasted in
