Symposium Research & Sustainability


Event details

Date 16.05.2024
Hour 08:1519:00
Category Conferences - Seminars
Event Language English

08h15 – 08h45: Morning coffee
  • 08h45 – 09h00: Welcome notes and introductory remarks by Prof. Gisou van der Goot, Vice President for Responsible Transformation and Professor and Prof. Anna Fontcuberta i Morral, Associate Vice President for Centers and Platforms and Professor
SESSION I: Invited contributions
Chairperson: Prof. Gisou van der Goot
  • 09h00 – 09h40: Invited talk & Discussion by Prof. Sonia Seneviratne, ETH Zurich, Deputy head of Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science
  • 09h40 – 10h00: The Politics of Sustainability by Prof. Michaël Aklin, Chair of Policy and Sustainability
  • 10h00 – 10h20: Lighthouse programmes for sustainability research: why they are needed by Prof. Peter Edwards, SCNAT Swiss Academy of Sciences
10h20 – 10h40: Coffee break

SESSION II: School-wide panorama of research projects on Sustainability
Chairperson: Prof. Rüdiger Urbanke
  • 10h40 – 12h10:
    • Multi-Disciplinary Solutions for Sustainable Computing in the Digital Era by Prof. David Atienza, Ecocloud Center & Embedded Systems Lab
    • Fungal Factories for Materials by Prof. Tiffany Abitbol, Sustainable Materials Lab
    • Solar-driven fuel production using semiconductor photocatalysts by Prof. Kevin Sivula, Lab. of Molecular Engineering of Optoelectronics Nanomaterials 
    • Resisting climate change: Using seascape genomics to identify environmentally robust coral genotypes by Dr Ana Maria Jaksic, Experimental Evolutionary Neurobiology Lab
    • Aerosol-cloud-climate interactions research by Prof. Athanasios Nenes, Lab. of atmospheric processes and their impacts
  • 12h10 – 12h30: Presentation of 2 MAKE projects:
    • rebuiLT - Eco-construction, reuse and integration of Low-Techs in urban areas by Catherine Juneau, AR-MA4 et Camille Rieux, AR-MA2
    • GenoRobotics by Maximilian Wettstein, SV-MA4
12h30 – 13h20: Lunch break

SESSION III: Selected EPFL Centers
Chairperson: Prof. Katrin Beyer
  • 13h20 – 14h20: Presentation on:
    • eSpace by Emmanuelle David
    • Energy Center by Dr Yasmine Calisesi
    • Enterprise 4 Society by Dr Maria Paula Cacault
    • EssentialTech - Sustainability and extreme vulnerability by Dr Klaus Schönenberger
    • Center for Worldwide Sustainable Construction by Dr Anne Dekeukelaere
    • CLIMACT by Dr Nicolas Tétreault

SESSION IV: Solutions 4 Sustainability – Projects I
Chairperson: Prof. Ambrogio Fasoli
  • 14h20 – 15h10:
    • SusEcoCUSS - Energy-efficient carbon capture, usage & storage for sustainable and circular economy by Prof. Kumar Agrawal, Gaznat Chair for Advanced Separations     
    • Heating Bits - Reducing the carbon footprint of data centers by Prof. Mario Paolone, Distributed Electrical Systems Lab
15h10 – 15h40: Coffee break

SESSION V: Solutions 4 Sustainability – Projects II
Chairperson: Prof. Anna Fontcuberta i Morral
  • 15h40 – 17h00:
    • CO2 Monitoring & Reduction in Food Systems Through Circular Economy by Prof. Josie Hughes, Computational Robot Design & Fabrication Lab (lecture delivered via video conference)
    • MegaBites - Measuring, modeling, and improving the sustainability of EPFL’s food system by Dr Vincent Moreau, Data Science Lab
    • New Plasma-based Sterilization Methods by Prof. Ivo Furno, Basic Plasma Physics
    • Solar steam - for sterilization and conditioning of laboratory animal facilities by Dr Anna Krammer, Scientist, ENAC
    • H2elios Neurocam by Prof. Christophe Moser, Lab. of Applied Photonics Devices  

SESSION VI: Invited contribution & Discussion
Chairperson: Prof. Anna Fontcuberta i Morral
  • 17h00 – 18h00: Science meets the major challenges of sustainability and the climate crisis by Prof. Harry Atwater, Caltech (lecture delivered via video conference) followed by Q&A moderated discussions and closing remarks by Prof. Anna Fontcuberta i Morral & Prof. Gisou van der Goot
18h00 – 19h00: Cocktail reception

Internal event. Free entrance but registration is mandatory.

Practical information

  • Informed public
  • Registration required
  • This event is internal


  • VPT, VPA-CP-R, Energy Center, E4S, Climact, Mediacom

