The Kristian Gerhard Jebsen calls, focusing on Metabolism and Nutrition - KGJ-SV-First call


Event details

Date 04.06.2015
Category Call for proposal
In order to increase the scientific community that devotes efforts to this important topic, the aim also is to attract scientists from other fields into nutrition/metabolism. This call will favor collaborative projects that cross boundaries between nutrition/metabolism and engineering or medicine, or projects that develop or apply a systems approach to the study of nutrition and metabolism. Funding will encourage projects that involve EPFL research groups or collaborations between EPFL scientists and researchers elsewhere in the world.

Overall, up to 5 successful proposals will be granted a maximum of 248’000 CHF for 2 years. The expectation is that this startup funding initiative will create a snowball effect:  groups that have been able to initiate a project thanks to the Kristian Gerhard Jebsen Program will seek further financial support through other funding programs to continue to work on these topics. Please note that they should be another Kristian Gerhard Jebsen call for proposals 2017, and Successful applicants in 2015 will also be eligible to reapply.

Please find attached the Call (pdf) as well as the Application Form-Kristian Gerhard Jebsen calls 2015, focusing on Metabolism and Nutrition (KGJ-SV-First call). Proposal must be submitted as a single pdf file, using the attached KGJ-SV Application Form and sent to [email protected] & [email protected] by June 4th, 2015.

Practical information

  • General public
  • Free


ReO NPF Foundations

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