Toward the design of heterogeneous catalysts for sustainable technologies


Event details

Date 12.05.2016
Hour 16:0017:00
Speaker Prof. Javier Pérez-Ramírez, Institute of Chemical and Bioengineering, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Bio: Javier  Pérez-Ramírez  studied  Chemical  Engineering  at  the  University  of  Alicante,  Spain  and earned  his  PhD  degree  at TUDelft,  Netherlands  in  2002.  Since  2010,  he  is  full  professor  of Catalysis Engineering at the Institute for Chemical and Bioengineering of the ETH Zurich. His team  pursues  the  design  of  heterogeneous  catalysts  and  reactor  concepts  devoted  to sustainable technologies.  Topics  of  current  interest  include  natural  gas  functionalization, carbon  dioxide  valorization,  biomass  to  chemicals  and  fuels,  the  manufacture  of  specialty chemicals, and the rational understanding of catalyst scale up. He is responsible for educating undergraduate students at ETH Zurich in reaction engineering and catalysis, emphasizing the vital   importance   of   these   disciplines   to   tackle   the   current   and   future   energy   and environmental challenges of society. He has published over 375 articles and is co - inventor of 16  patents,  several  of  which  are  under  industrial  exploitation.  His  contributions  have  been recognized   by   several   awards   like   the   Otto - Roelen - Medal   (2012),   the   EFCATS   Young Researcher  Award  (2013),  and  the  Beilby  Medal  and  Prize  (2014).  He  is  Associate  Editor  of Catalysis Science and Technology, the RSC's flagship catalysis journal.
EPFL Valais Wallis/Zeuzier conference room
Category Conferences - Seminars
Heterogeneous catalysis is quite possibly the most relevant discipline in the chemical industry, spearheading improvements in process sustainability by improving the exploitation of raw materials, enabling the transition from fossil to renewable feedstocks, reducing energy consumption, and minimizing the environmental footprint. To confront these challenges head on, this vibrant discipline is becoming increasingly design-driven, a shift which is facilitated by the availability of increasingly powerful tools that enable the continued development of fundamental knowledge over different time and length scales. The design of a heterogeneous catalyst, a dream not long ago, is becoming a reality. In this talk, I will discuss recent examples from my laboratory to illustrate how this intellectual growth in the understanding of catalyzed processes can kindle revolutionary technological advancements.

Practical information

  • General public
  • Free


  • Andreas Züttel


  • Constance Visser Witman


