[ Walder Stiftung | Research funding ]


Event details

Date 27.05.2019
Category Call for proposal

Established in Zurich in 1981, the Walder Stiftung supports projects dealing with the theme of “living in old age” in the following three areas:

  • Applied research: projects of applied research in the field of "living in old age". The object of research must be innovation-oriented, should go beyond existing practical knowledge and be directly usable in practice.
  • Social and cultural: projects, which contribute to an optimal quality of life and living for all elderly and old people and support the preservation of independence and freedom of choice.
  • Construction projects: projects that have a groundbreaking effect on their environment and region. Projects that set new trends for their users and their environment.
Deadline: 27 May 2019
Decision: June-July 2019
For further information, please have a look at the call webpage, online application form and at past supported projects.

Practical information

  • General public
  • Free



research funding

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