Weak formulation of dynamical low-rank approximation for parabolic problems


Event details

Date 19.03.2020
Hour 16:1517:15
Speaker Mr. André Uschmajew
Category Conferences - Seminars
Computational Mathematics Seminar

Abstract :
Dynamical low-rank approximation of matrices can be used for time integration of matrix valued ODEs on low-rank rank manifolds based on a time dependent variational principle. Several applications arise from two-dimensional PDEs. While after discretization the existence of solutions to the resulting nonlinear ODE is ensured by standard results, setting up a well posed problem in function space is not as obvious. We present a weak formulation of the time dependent variational principle that is applicable to dynamical low-rank approximation of parabolic problems. The existence of solutions can be shown based on a variational time-stepping scheme on the low-rank manifold that is related to practical methods for low-rank integration. (Joint work with Markus Bachmayr and Emil Kieri.)

Practical information

  • General public
  • Free


  • Prof. Daniel Kressner


  • Prof. Daniel Kressner



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