Workshop Classic and Stochastic Geometric Mechanics


Event details

Date 08.06.2015 11.06.2015
Hour 09:0017:00
Speaker ALBEVERIO Sergio (Institut für Angewandte Mathematik, Bonn)
CRUZEIRO Ana Bela (Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisboa)
HOLM Darryl (Imperial College, London)
Category Conferences - Seminars
The workshop will take place towards the end of a six-month research program at CIB focusing on “Geometric mechanics, variational and stochastic methods”. The program aims to enhance research in geometric mechanics, by taking into account recent methods of variational calculus combined with stochastic analysis, directed at modelling physical phenomena, in particular in situations where incomplete knowledge of initial and boundary conditions, or of external forces, requires an extension of classical geometric mechanics to take into account stochastic uncertainty.

The speakers at the workshop will present recent results and developments in connection with the CIB program. The workshop presentations will treat a wide range of topics, including stochastic analysis, the theory of partial differential equations and dynamical systems, geometric analysis, calculus of variations, control theory, fluid dynamics, computational anatomy and mathematical physics. The lectures will pay particular attention to the aims of the CIB research program.

The choice of the different areas treated during the research semester has been strongly inspired by the work of Tudor Ratiu, and the workshop is intended as a contribution to the celebration of his 65th birthday. It will include a special “J.E. Marsden Memorial Lecture” delivered by Professor Yann Brenier and sponsored by the Pacific Institute in Mathematical Sciences.

The workshop will be followed by the “Conference on Geometric Analysis in Honor of the 65th Birthday of Tudor Ratiu” (12 and 13 June 2015), which will represent complementary areas of Tudor Ratiu's research interests


Practical information

  • General public
  • Free


  • CIB


  • Valérie Krier

Event broadcasted in
