AI Center x CLAIRE - ML Fundamentals seminar - Prof. Albert Gu


Event details

Date 29.07.2024
Hour 14:0015:00
Speaker Prof. Albert Gu
Location Online
Category Conferences - Seminars
Event Language English

The talk is jointly organized by the EPFL AI Center and the CLAIRE Lab

The talk will be followed by a coffee session. 

For on-site logistics, please use the following form to register: registration form.

Structured State Space Models for Deep Sequence Modeling

Substantial recent progress in machine learning and artificial intelligence has been driven by advances in sequence models, which form the backbone of deep learning models that have achieved widespread success across scientific applications. However, existing methods still have many drawbacks, including computational inefficiency and difficulty modeling more complex sequential data, such as when long sequences are involved. As such, it remains of fundamental importance to continue to develop principled and practical methods for modeling sequences. This talk provides an overview of structured state space models (SSMs), a recent approach to deep sequence modeling that is theoretically grounded, computationally efficient, and achieves strong results across a variety of data modalities and applications.

Albert Gu is an Assistant Professor in the Machine Learning Department at Carnegie Mellon University and Chief Scientist of Cartesia AI. His research broadly studies structured representations for advancing the capabilities of machine learning and deep learning models, with focuses on structured linear algebra and theory of sequence models. Previously, he completed a Ph.D in the Department of Computer Science at Stanford University.

Practical information

  • Informed public
  • Free



Machine Learning ML Artificial Intelligence AI Deep Learning

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