Bits in Bio Lausanne: Data management for imaging science


Event details

Date 24.01.2024
Hour 18:0020:00
Speaker Arianne Bercowsky Rama, Joël Lüthi, Edward Andò
Category Conferences - Seminars
Event Language English

​​Bits In Bio is a global community with the aim of bringing together the life science and software communities.

​​Join us for interesting discussions around bio x software at the fourth Bits In Bio meetup Lausanne, hosted by the EPFL Center for Imaging.

​During this event, we will focus discussions around how to deal with the data when doing imaging science - from frameworks to deal with certain image formats to best practices for image data management and storage. A particular focus will be given to the handling of very large image data, and thoughts shared on how one can best prepare to the upcoming era of Petabytes experiments!

​The agenda of the event is as follows:

  • ​18:00 - 18:05 - Bits In Bio & EPFL Center for Imaging intro
  • ​18:05 - 19:00 - Talks
  • ​19:00 - 20:00 - Networking snacks and drinks
​We will have the pleasure of listening to the following talks:
  • ​Efficient Workflows and Storage Solutions for Big Image Data
    • ​Arianne Bercowsky - Application Specialist @Dotphoton
    • ​Arianne Bercowsky Rama completed her Ph.D. at EPFL, specialized in developing pipelines for big data analysis of microscopy data. Currently, she works as Product Manager at Dotphoton, a company developing cutting-edge compression and data management algorithms for images. 
  • ​Fractal: A Framework for Processing OME-Zarr Imaging Data
    • ​Joël Lüthi - Head of Research And Development at the BioVisionCenter @ UZH
    • ​Joel worked on 3D image analysis during cardiac differentiation in his PhD in the lab of Lucas Pelkmans. After that, he started developing the Fractal framework in the lab of Prisca Liberali at the FMI, before joining the newly founded BioVisionCenter at the University of Zurich as Head of R&D in summer 2023.
  • ​Data Management for Imaging: Some thoughts on what the ideal system should do.
    • ​Edward Andò - Head of Image Analysis Hub @EPFL Center for Imaging
    • ​Edward Andò a Pricipal Scientist in the EPFL Center for Imaging, with a background in 3D+t image analysis for mechanics applications and software development, being a core developer of spam and orientationpy.

Registration required

Practical information

  • General public
  • Free


  • Bits in Bio Lausanne, EPFL Center for Imaging

Event broadcasted in
