Call for Proposals: Fondation pour la Recherche sur le Diabète | Project funding


Event details

Date 01.03.2024
Category Call for proposal
2024 call:
The "Fondation pour la recherche sur le Diabète"  will award up to 100'000 CHF for basic or clinical research projects focusing on Type I and/or II diabete.

1 March 2024

Application documents:
  • 3-4 pages research proposal including budget (no template provided, an overview of previously funded projects is available here)
  • CV of applicant
  • List of publications
Application process & timeline :
- 1 March 2024: e-mail submission of application documents to
    Fondation pour la Recherche sur le Diabète ([email protected])
    A confirmation email will be sent to the applicant upon reception of the application documents.
- Early May 2024: Applicants to be informed of final decision

Practical information

  • General public
  • Free



diabete basic research clinical research project funding

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