CIS Network Seminars: #ELLIS - Dr Luiz Chamon


Event details

Date 13.03.2023
Hour 15:1516:15
Speaker Prof. Olivier Michielin
Location Online
Category Conferences - Seminars
Event Language English
Title: Data science for precision oncology
Data science is revolutionising many fields of research. Its impact on the healthcare system is also rapidly growing, especially in the area of precision medicine. Precision oncology is one of the domains where data science promises to be particularly impactful. During this presentation, I will illustrate the use of clinical, molecular and imaging data to guide a precision oncology program, with a special focus on precision immuno-oncology. Extension of our local leman network to the Swiss network will be illustrated with the Swiss Personalized Oncology - National Data Stream (SPO-NDS) program from the Swiss Personalized Health Network (SPHN).
Bio: Prof. Olivier Michielin obtained a Masters of Physics in 1991 at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology and a Medical Degree from the University of Lausanne in 1997. He pursued his PhD training under the supervision of Jean-Charles Cerottini (Ludwig Institute) and Martin Karplus (Harvard and Strasbourg Universities, Chemistry Nobel Prize Laureate 2013). He was appointed Group Leader of the Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics in 2002 and became an Assistant Professor at the Medical Faculty of Lausanne in 2004. In parallel, he has trained as a medical oncologist and obtained his board certification in 2007 at the Department of oncology of the Lausanne University Hospital. Prof. Olivier Michielin is mainly focused on translational and precision oncology, developing new molecularly defined therapeutic approaches based on original bioinformatics techniques developed in his laboratory, as well as precision oncology programs based on multi-omics strategies and data science at the national level. Prof. Olivier Michielin is currently the Chair of the Department of Oncology and the Precision Oncology Service at the Geneva University Hospital, the Head of the Precision Oncology Center of the Lausanne University Hospital and a co-Director of the Swiss Cancer Center Léman (SCCL).

Affiliations: Prof. Olivier Michielin, MD-PhD
Head of Department of Oncology and Precision Oncology Service, Geneva University Hospital
Head of Center for Precision Oncology, Lausanne University Hospital
Co-Director of the Swiss Cancer Center Léman (SCCL)
Group Leader, Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics, Lausanne, Switzerland.

The Center for Intelligent Systems at EPFL (CIS) is a collaboration among IC, ENAC, SB; SV and STI that brings together researchers working on different aspects of Intelligent Systems.

Collaboration and networking are crucial in the advancement of research and are key pillars of the CIS’ activities. We are thrilled to announce a new series of talks: the “CIS Network Seminars”, where we will invite experts from our network to share their work.

The CIS seminar will take place In hybrid mode: Room INF 328 and by Zoom

Monday 13 March, 2023 from 3:15 to 4:15 pm

NB: Video recordings of the seminars will be made available on our website and published on our social media pages

Practical information

  • General public
  • Free


  • CIS



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