CLIMACT Fall-tastic Apero


Event details

Date 25.09.2023
Hour 17:3019:30
Le Perchoir, Vortex building
Category Miscellaneous
Event Language French, English

The CLIMACT team is delighted to invite you to an apero to kick off the new autumn term on 25 September, from 17:30 to 19:30. This event will be an opportunity to network, connect with new people or meet up with colleagues, and learn more about upcoming CLIMACT activities.
CLIMACT Scholars will be particularly highlighted by the various opportunities we will be presenting, both in terms of the group's governance and upcoming actions.
In addition, we are preparing discussion cards for those of you who wish to debate the problems and solutions associated with climate change in an informal and interdisciplinary context!
Register by Monday 18 September 2023. Please note that registration is mandatory to participate in the event.


Practical information

  • General public
  • Registration required




CLIMACT Réseautage
