COVID-19: virus discovery and developments of vaccines and therapeutic antibodies


Event details

Date 21.04.2023
Hour 10:0011:00
Speaker Prof. George Fu Gao
Category Conferences - Seminars
Event Language English
As a former Director-General of China CDC and scientist at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, my team was involved in the discovery and genome sequencing of SARS-CoV-2, which we shared with the world through GISAID. We also published early epidemiological parameters that supported the development of vaccines, drugs, and clinical therapies. While emerging virus variants challenge the efficacy of current vaccines, vaccination still provides basic protection against infection, transmission, and severe illness and death. Prioritizing strategies to induce broadly protective immune responses will be crucial for future vaccine development, and small molecular inhibitors like peptide inhibitors show promising potential for controlling emerging variants. During my talk, I will guide you through the intricate process of virus discovery,  the development of vaccines, and provide insight into our extensive research on therapeutic antibodies.

Practical information

  • Informed public
  • Free


  • GHI & Correia lab
