CV Bootcamp (in English; online)


Event details

Date 24.05.2023
Hour 09:3018:30
Speaker Stephen Fisher
Category Conferences - Seminars
Event Language English
Are you ready to dive deeply into each and every line of your CV, to "revisit" and to understand each nuance of the essential nature of this centerpiece to your job applications?

This workshop is for the few, the motivated, those who want to excel at every phase of their job search! You will be expected to work through your lunch hour, as well in order to apply what we will discuss in the morning session. Make sure you send me a copy of your CV at least 72 hours prior to our day together, too, please!

Schedule: 9:30-12:00, then working lunch and second session from 13:30-17:30 (via Zoom)

Conditions de participation:
Must send CV at least 72 hours prior to workshop directly to [email protected].

>> Pre-register for this CV Bootcamp through EPFLcareer here ! <<

Organised by the Transversal Skills and Career Center.

Practical information

  • General public
  • Registration required
  • This event is internal


  • The Transversal Skills and Career Center.
